Learn about your customers' real pains

Build customer interviews that uncover the real pains and potential values of your customers.

customer discovery form

It's dangerous to validate your idea with simple customer interviews.

Even the most trained entrepreneurs may fall in the pitfall of validating their idea with customer interviews that are not well formed. Given the wrong questions, and using the wrong techniques you can validate any idea using customer interviews. The danger is that this will create the confidence to build an MVP that is tailored to the wrong problem.

We can help.

Talking to customers

Structured customer questions

We will help you gather the right questions and will highlight the wrong ones, as well as provide an explanation on why they are wrong

Structured customer interviews

Not all questions need to be asked and some must come only after others were already asked. We'll help you build the perfect interview script.

Interview gathering and analysis

Ok. You have ran the interview. Now what? Now it's time to gather, analyse and pull insights.