Investor research is a key step in successful fundraising. If you are planning a fundraising round or if your feeling stuck in your current fundraising efforts this is for you.
Many entrepreneurs believe that hassling their startup to as many investors as possible is the right path to fundraising. In reality, it is much better to carefully plan and aim who you will be pitching to and focus only on those targets. If the right investors wouldn't invest, you should probably think about changing something instead of scattershot every investor in the world with the "I only need one yes" mindset.
While there is a lid for every pot, we need to look at the pot first to find the lid. The right investor is the one with the highest likelihood to invest in the company while providing value to its management. To make sure there is a good fit between company and investor, you should first analyze the traits of your startup company. It would be best if you looked at things like:
The next step is to define the ideal investor profile. It would help if you looked at things like:
An investor is always a person - never a company, so even if you identified that a specific VC firm checks all the boxes, you still need to determine the exact general partners you want to connect with.
While Covid-19 made us all remote and distant, it will be hard to convince a South-African investor to invest in an Alaskan startup. The distance introduced timezone, culture, and logistics issues. As that is the case, research your local ecosystem very carefully before expanding your search.
After you carefully defined the most relevant traits and focused on the most pertinent values, you will have a much higher success rate at approaching investors.
The main repositories are professional and focused:
Not all repositories provide an efficient search, so you'll need to sift through a lot of data, using the traits you prepared, curate the data, clean it, filter the irrelevant records, and finally - prioritize based on level of fit to your company.
Remember that your research is ongoing since enriching your data will significantly support any investor communication. For example, if an investor published an article or you've learned of an investment they have been involved with, you can and should mention these in your communication.
Your stage will dictate the number of investors you shortlist. Early-stage companies should list at least 100 solid names they can approach, while late-stage might be looking at a handful of investors who can handle the big financing rounds north of $200M.
Like any project, you'll need to be on top of things through the process. It will be helpful to keep track of what you searched for, where you dug it when you performed the search, and the results you have. Keep track of these, as repositories are constantly updated.
I used a monstrous Excel sheet that held all the relevant information and updated it as I went through the process.
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